Model S-single person booth
Model S-single person booth

W1080mm(42.5″) x D1000mm(39.4″) x H2326mm(91.6″)

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Model M-2 person booth
Model M-2 person booth

W1600mm(63″) x D1375mm(54.1″) x H2326mm(91.6″)

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Model SL-2 person booth
Model SL-2 person booth

W2300mm(90.6″) x D966mm(38″) x H2326mm(91.6″)

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Model L- 4 person booth
Model L- 4 person booth

Model L- 4 person booth

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Model XL-6 person booth
Model XL-6 person booth

Model XL- 6 person booth

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Special title treatment

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